”The law is not an end in itself, but one of the means by which a company can conduct its strategy“.

Our aim is to help you identify opportunities within the legal framework, particularly for your business relationship, in order to transform them into sources of development for your company.

  • What we are passionate about : businesses and the people who drive them
  • What motivates us : searching for opportunities that the law can create and nurture
  • What excites us : contributing to the success of a project
  • What re-energises us : focusing on living in the moment
  • What we need : being involved by our clients in their project

The team

After over 20 years assisting clients in large business law firms, I decided to create a human scale law firm. My goal is to provide tailored advice with as much relevance and agility as possible. I strongly believe that a solid command of the legal framework can truly boost your strategies.

I am enthusiastic, proactive and passionate about human relationship, inspiring encounters, meditation and personal development.


After holding a number of positions, particularly with the French Competition Authority, and after several years working alongside Nicolas in large French and international law firms, I see the opportunity of taking part in the entrepreneurial adventure of Loi & Stratégies and offer the best possible advice to the women and men who put their trust in us every day.

I am responsive, committed and a sports enthusiast who always strives to do my very best to promote the collective interest and team spirit.

After having been trained in distribution and competition law in Paris and London, and having developed a professional practice since 2013 in law firms of various structures, I have wished to join the dynamic and inspiring team of Loi et Stratégies. My desire is to assist companies in a pragmatic way in the realization of their projects and in the resolution of their legal issues, taking into account their economic stakes.

Dynamic and positive, I am a yoga and running enthusiast and passionate about travel, music and experiences that stimulate my creativity.

After holding various positions in large and small organisations, both in France and abroad, I chose to move to a more human-sized firm. This environment enhances the value of human relationships and ensures an optimal and personalised management of each client’s needs.

I am motivated, committed and a gourmet cuisine enthusiast. I like to recharge my batteries by hiking, running and discovering new places through my travels.

After studying European law and validating an LLM in Australia, I was able to practice with different firms, in which I was able to support a variety of clients and discover new issues. What I appreciate in this job is the fact of surpassing oneself to defend one’s clients, the possibility of providing advice or even litigation. Audacious & authentic, I am a fan of literature, sport and more particularly running, but also travel.


I have been working with Nicolas Genty as an assistant since 1994. Thanks to the confidence he has placed in me over the years and continues to place in me today, I have been able to develop professionally as his own career has progressed.

I have an eye for detail and am patient, which are important assets in both my personal and professional life.

Manon MARTINLawyer

Following various experiences in companies and law firms, I chose to join the innovative Loi & Stratégies firm. I was particularly attracted by the Firm’s approach, at the crossroads between legal matters and the operational reality of companies. Furthermore, Loi & Stratégies is on a human scale, which allows us to provide tailor-made support to our clients and to maintain a relationship of trust with them.

Perseverant & creative, I practice dance, fitness and activities such as painting and literature.

 Join our team !
Join our team ! We are hiring.


Joining Loi & Stratégies means joining a dynamic and innovative firm where you will have the opportunity to develop your skills, your hard skills as well as your soft skills. Law & Strategies wanting to be agile, you will also be able to take charge of or participate in many cross-functional projects (European studies, podcast, webinar, writing articles, training, development of technological tools, etc.).

You have developed an entrepreneurial spirit, aware of changes in the economic, societal and social world. You know your soft skills and know how to put them to use in a collective. You share our values ​​and you know how to show curiosity and adaptability with various interlocutors. Beyond your technical excellence, your soft skills are talents that will make the difference.

Currently, we are recruiting an experienced profile and a junior profile. So, if you recognize yourself in our philosophy, do not hesitate to study our ads and write to us just below!

Passion led us here


  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Trust
  • Solidarity
  • Goodwill
  • Listening
  • Humility
  • Fulfilment
  • Pleasure
  • Passion
  • Involvement
  • Commitment
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Trust
  • Solidarity
  • Goodwill
  • Listening


We assist companies of all sizes and professional organisations that share our view of the usefulness of the regulatory framework.
We privilege long-term partnerships that enable us to capitalise on our knowledge of your business for your benefit and it works since we have been assisting some of our clients for over 20 years now.

We specialise, in particular, in the manufacturing sector (particularly consumer food and non-food products and luxury goods) and technological services. These industries generate numerous contractual relationships. This experience enables us to intervene in all sectors in which a strong command of negotiations and of the contracting process is useful.


We charge for our services on a time-spent or flat-fees basis. If we charge on a time-spent basis, we can either apply a single rate regardless of the individuals involved, or an hourly rate of between €200 to €450, excl. VAT, depending on the experience of the lawyer and the type of work.
We discuss our fees openly with our clients at the outset of our relationship.