We have developed specific expertise in contractual relations. This obviously includes, but is not limited to, contract law, competition law, distribution law and consumer protection law.
We believe that a global approach to contractual relations also requires knowledge of certain aspects of fields such as public law, employment law, tax law, international law and intellectual property law. Moreover, we are convinced of the value of other complementary types of expertise outside the legal sphere that are available to help you tackle the issues you face.
Where relevant, therefore, we are able to harness the services of a network of experts in sales, marketing, finance and logistics, as well as meditation instructors, coaches, etc.

Supplier-Distributor Relations
Mastering the regulatory framework offers many opportunities for supplier-distributor relations. Loi & Stratégies assists companies in conducting their sales and logistics negotiations by enabling them to use the regulatory framework as a negotiating tool.
We have contributed to several books on the subject :
- The New System of Industrial-Trade Relations
- Supplier-Distributor Relations: securing and leveraging Business Negotiations
- The New Guide to Business Relations
Our assistance can consist in:
Supplier-distributor relations
- Our conviction : a supplier’s general terms and conditions (“GTC”) of sale can be a powerful negotiating tool for companies provided they skilfully navigate all relevant issues, thereby making them a true business offering and a sole basis for negotiation.
- Our offer : we help companies formulate a genuine corporate project that rethinks their general terms and conditions of sale and turns them into a key negotiating tool.
- Your advantage : your general terms and conditions of sale harness the regulatory framework and become a true commercial offer that supports your strategy and furthers your development.
- Our conviction : the legal framework represents an opportunity and an important source of leverage for companies that understand the issues at stake and can effectively use it in their business relations.
- Our offer : we use workshops to make members of Board of Directors and Executive Committees aware of the strategic interest in using the legal framework as a source of leverage to develop their company.
- Your advantage : this understanding by the company’s management team enables it to take action and approach negotiations with optimal efficiency.
- Our conviction : annual sales negotiations to be concluded by signing a contract no later than March, 1st are an extremely important issue for companies subject to this procedure. We believe that harnessing the regulatory framework can contribute to a more equitable balance of power.
- Our offer : we assist companies that wish to protect their own interests without neglecting the interests of the other party, in order to conclude a contract that will serve the respective interests of both parties. We are active throughout the negotiations either by assisting to prepare for the negotiations or by participating directly therein. We have created partnerships with external experts renowned for their knowledge of sales negotiations, promotional campaigns, the teaching process and even the use of mindfulness meditation and certain martial arts
- Your advantage : you are in contact with experts with many years of experience in sales negotiations and who are accustomed to working with sales, logistics and legal departments. Our distinctive approach will help you become more effective and successful at this key stage in your relations
- Our conviction : overseeing the performance of a complex sales agreement can be difficult for a company that may be subject to many penalties throughout the year. This can be facilitated by the implementation of monitoring processes and tools.
- Our offer : we assist companies to help them monitor the penalties that may be imposed on them in a complex contractual environment. Our process is adapted to the specific context of each company.
- Your advantage : you ensure that penalties imposed on your company are analysed and processed in accordance with a procedure that makes it possible to dispute sums unduly claimed and ensure the best possible management of the logistics relationship.
Operational training in mastering the legal framework in preparing and conducting sales negotiations
- Our conviction : smoothly conducting a company’s sales negotiations requires in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework to which it is subject in order to be able to identify its constraints and grasp the opportunities it can offer. Training is a powerful tool to enhance this knowledge of the regulatory framework.
- Our offer : we run numerous training courses within companies, professional bodies and training organisations in a variety of formats ranging from one to several days of training, which in all cases include practical exercises, particularly on the following topics: general terms and conditions of sale, written agreements, use of the regulatory framework to rebalance power, etc.
- Your advantage : you ensure that your legal, sales, marketing and logistics teams learn to master the legal framework applicable to sales negotiations for the benefit of the company and its sales strategy.

Competition Law
Loi & Stratégies assists companies in the main areas of French and European competition law: anti-competitive agreements, abuse of dominant position and merger control. Our expertise covers both legal advice and litigation.
Our assistance may take the following form(s) :
Competition Law
- Our conviction : all companies must pay attention to compliance with competition rules. The implementation of a competition compliance programme is a useful investment if it is done properly.
- Our offer : we help companies, regardless of their size, to deploy in-house the tools to set up an effective programme (risk assessment method, control and alert mechanisms and monitoring system). We work with external experts to integrate communication on the subject into the company’s own communication tools.
- Your advantage : you secure your position in your competitive market in the interests of sustainable growth.
- Our conviction : companies regularly face situations involving competition law, without grasping all the issues at stake (conclusion of an agreement with a distributor, participation in exchanges with a competitor, etc.). These same companies may face a competition investigation that could result in severe financial penalties. We are convinced that an effective approach in this area requires in-depth knowledge of the relevant sectors. This is why we focus on certain economic sectors in which our experience makes a real difference: consumer products, the pharmaceutical sector and new technologies.
- Our offer : we assist our clients on a daily basis to ensure their business activities are compliant. Where necessary, we assist them before the competition authorities in connection with cases involving allegations of anti-competitive agreements and abuse of a dominant position.
- Your advantage : you ensure that your behaviour in the market is efficient and that your business investments are secure.
- Our conviction : we find that merger control can often be underestimated in an acquisition process, both in term of the possible notification and an efficient application follow-up of terms of the applicability of merger control and its actual application process.
- Our offer : we assist companies in their acquisitions by anticipating as early as possible the formalities to be carried out with competition authorities so as not to delay the acquisition process. This assistance extends from the start of the process (pre-notification) until its conclusion (competition authority decision).
- Your advantage : merger control ceases to be an obstacle to your business activity and acquisitions but, on the contrary, becomes a guarantee of security for your investments, avoiding the risks of gun jumping, exchanges of sensitive information or failure to notify a transaction subject to control.
- Our conviction : the development of a company requires solid knowledge of the regulatory framework to which it is subject in order to identify its constraints as well as its opportunities. Training is a powerful tool to improve this knowledge of the regulatory framework and induce a competition compliant culture within companies.
- Our offer : we run numerous training courses within companies, professional bodies and training organisations in a variety of formats ranging from one to several days of training, which in all cases include practical exercises. Our training in competition law includes, but is not limited to, competition investigations, anti-competitive agreements, abuse of a dominant position and merger control.
- Your advantage : you ensure the implementation of an effective competition compliant culture within your company.

Contract Law
Loi & Stratégies specialises in contract law, the cornerstone of business relations and an essential tool for any company’s sales policy.
We offer support in a variety of forms, from training operational teams, setting up global contracting strategies to drafting contracts, as well as providing assistance in the event of non-performance or contentious termination of contracts.
Contract Law
- Our conviction : we believe it is essential to intervene upstream and set out precise internal rules for the contracting process in order to ensure that the individuals concerned understand the applicable rules.
- Our offer : we draw up tailored contractual best practice guidelines for your teams involved in the negotiation and conclusion of contracts, in conjunction with the Legal Department, where necessary.
- Your advantage : you are able to deploy an optimal internal contracting process and gain efficiency and peace of mind.
- Our conviction : we believe that in addition to existing audits conducted in connection with equity investments, it is important for a company to regularly check the quality of the strategic contracts it has concluded in order to detect potential weaknesses.
- Our offer : we propose an audit of the strategic contracts identified by the company in order to determine whether the content, performance or potential termination of these contracts conceals unexploited opportunities or unsuspected risks.
- Your advantage : you are able to adapt your relations with your partners or the performance of your contracts in order to maximise opportunities and limit risks.
- Our conviction : the importance of contract law continues to expand as business relations become increasingly electronic and the number of international contracts grows. We believe that securing contractual relations is now a major issue for companies.
- Our offer : we provide support in drafting and reviewing commercial, logistics and industrial contracts. We provide you with legal expertise combined with a practical perspective to help you achieve your goals.
- Your advantage : your contracts reflect your policy and offer optimal protection. They are thus transformed into a veritable tool for your company.
- Our conviction : we are aware of the growing importance that international issues have in our clients’ business relationships.
- Our offer : we assist our clients in setting up an international contract strategy, for example, by designing standardised contractual practices for the various countries in which they are likely to enter into business relationships. We are member of a network of foreign lawyers to help us in this area. We have built up this international network throughout our 30 years of professional practice. Our independence enables us to choose the expert best suited to our client and the issues it faces in each of the countries concerned
- Your advantage : you can plan the development of your international business peacefully.
- Our conviction : the extensive support we offer our clients on a day-to-day basis enables us to handle disputes effectively. We consider all possible options with our clients. We believe it is often preferable to employ alternative dispute resolution methods and therefore to pursue out-of-court solutions where possible. For this reason, we work closely with a qualified mediator.
- Our offer : we assist our clients in resolving disputes. This may take the form of assisting with the negotiation of a settlement agreement and providing legal representation before commercial courts and civil courts, as well as before alternative dispute resolution bodies
- Your advantage : you benefit from personalised assistance based on our precise knowledge of your constraints and objectives, as well as our experience in handling disputes.
- Our conviction : we are convinced that training is one of the best ways to make operational teams aware of the constraints, as well as of the opportunities, offered by the regulations in force.
- Our offer : we provide training to raise awareness among the various teams of the importance of the legal and regulatory framework and the impact of the latest reforms. We offer training on subjects such as the negotiation and drafting of commercial contracts, the use of general terms and conditions of sale and the specific issues raised by logistics contracts.
- Your advantage : our training equips your teams with a practical perspective of the law and teaches them how to make optimal use of contracts within the company.

Consumer Protection Law
Loi & Stratégies practices consumer protection law to assist companies in complying with consumer protection rules. We provide services in matters involving pricing practices (sales, resale at a loss, price reductions, price displays, etc.), as well as on issues relating to sales methods and promotional operations (Sales with a bonus, contests, lotteries, bundle sales, etc.), and we assist companies in their relations with the supervisory authorities.
Consumer Protection Law
- Our conviction : frequent reforms of consumer protection law and the trend toward increased consumer protection, in France and throughout Europe, require companies to adapt quickly to new obligations.
- Our offer : we offer assistance in implementing promotional policies for companies in France and abroad. We can also assess the existing promotional practices within a company and act as an intermediary between the company and the authorities. We use a network of foreign lawyers to help us in this area. We have built up this international network throughout our 30 years of professional practice. Our independence allows us to choose the expert best suited to our client and its challenges in each of the countries concerned.
- Your advantage : you ensure in advance that your promotional operations comply with current legislation, thereby securing your operations.
- Our conviction : the rules of consumer protection law affect multiple aspects of businesses’ lives, and we believe it is vital to anticipate their application and implication.
- Our offer : we assist companies in their procedure for placing regulated products on the market and with regard to issues concerning dangerous and defective products and labelling rules.
- Your advantage : by addressing these issues early in the process, you protect yourself against possible prosecution by the administrative authorities
- Our conviction : consumer protection law litigation procedures require specific expertise and practical knowledge of the positions of the prosecution authorities.
- Our offer : we assist companies in preparing for and during times of crisis, particularly with regard to withdrawals and recalls of defective products, in consultation with the competent administrative authorities and the services of the European Commission.
- Your advantage : this support enables you to plan ahead for such matters and deal with them in accordance with your company’s values and principle.
- Our conviction : we believe that practical knowledge of the regulatory framework in consumer protection law can help to be avoid prosecution by the regulatory authorities.
- Our offer : we offer training and organise conferences for the sales, marketing and legal departments, particularly on the topic of sales promotions
- Your advantage :all your key business lines can benefit from enhanced knowledge of the regulatory framework and the opportunities it offers.

Loi & Stratégies provides legal support both in France and abroad. To facilitate our work in neighbouring countries, we have created an informal network of law firms, some of which we have been working with for many years. This network is present in the following countries:
- United Kingdom
- Netherlands
- Belgium
- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
- Portugal
- And France of course
We are also members of the International Distribution Institute (IDI), which has experts in over 90 countries.
- Our conviction : business negotiations in an international context may be a source of misunderstanding or even legal uncertainty if the international legal issues are not taken into account (governing law and jurisdiction, location of the assets of each of the companies, etc.). Having a lawyer who is familiar with the company’s environment and who can assist it, through its network, to better understand the issues it faces, constitutes, in our opinion, a efficient leverage.
- Our offer : we support companies seeking to protect their own interests, but also to conduct balanced negotiations in order to conclude contracts that will serve the respective interests of both parties. We are active throughout the negotiations either by assisting to prepare them or by participating directly therein, both within and outside the European Union.
- Your advantage : you are assisted by experts with years of experience in business negotiations and who are familiar with the specific issues raised by international negotiations. You have access to an international network from which each lawyer is fully independent. Our law firm are therefore free to work with lawyers outside their network.
- Our conviction : companies regularly face situations involving competition law, without grasping all the issues at stake (horizontal or vertical agreements with European partners, foreign acquisitions, etc.). Due to the globalisation of the economy, many of these situations involve several countries.
- Our offer : we assist our clients on a daily basis to ensure their business activities are secure and, if necessary, in matters brought before the European competition authorities (anti-competitive practices or merger notification, particularly involving multifiling)..
- Your advantage : you ensure that your behaviour in the market is efficient and that your business investments are secure, irrespective of the countries concerned.
- Our conviction : the legal framework represents an opportunity and an important source of leverage for companies that understand the issues at stake and wish to use it as an asset to secure and optimise the distribution of their products or services. These opportunities are multiplied where several legal frameworks are involved.
- Our offer : we work with companies to enable them to leverage on a command of the legal framework in their international business development. We employ various means to achieve this, in particular workshops.
- Your advantage : your international development projects are secured and enable you to launch (or expand) your business across national borders.
- Our conviction : frequent reforms of consumer protection law and the trend toward increased consumer protection, on a global scale, require companies to adapt quickly to new obligations.
- Our offer : we offer support in implementing promotional policies for companies abroad. We are member of a foreign lawyers to help us in this area. We have built up this informal international network throughout our 30 years of professional practice. Our independence allows us to choose the expert best suited to the company and its challenges in each of the countries concerned.
- Your advantage : you ensure in advance that your promotional operations comply with current legislation, thereby securing your operations.
- Our conviction : we are convinced that training is one of the best ways to make operational teams aware of the constraints, as well as of the opportunities, offered by the law, provided they have mastered the specific issues at stake in an international context.
- Our offer : we offer training to raise awareness among the various teams of the importance of the legal and regulatory framework in extraterritorial contractual relations. We provide training on subjects such as the negotiation and drafting of international contracts and European competition rules.
- Your advantage : our training offers your teams a practical overview of French and foreign laws and how to apply them properly within the company.

Loi & Stratégies offers a comprehensive range of training courses.
These training sessions are delivered by Loi & Stratégies lawyers and other experts, where necessary. They alternate between presentations of the regulatory framework and practical workshops. This training offers real added value to senior management, as well as to sales, legal, purchasing and logistics departments and their teams, who will find operational answers to support their strategies.
Operational training in mastering the legal framework in preparing and conducting sales negotiations
- Our conviction : smoothly conducting a company’s sales negotiations requires in-depth knowledge of the regulatory framework to which it is subject in order to be able to identify its constraints and grasp the opportunities it can offer. Training is a powerful tool to enhance this knowledge of the regulatory framework.
- Our offer : we run numerous training courses within companies, professional bodies and training organisations in a variety of formats ranging from one to several days of training, which in all cases include practical exercises, particularly on the following topics: general terms and conditions of sale, written agreements, use of the regulatory framework to rebalance power, etc.
- Your advantage : you ensure that your legal, sales, marketing and logistics teams learn to master the legal framework applicable to sales negotiations for the benefit of the company and its sales strategy.
- Our conviction : logistics is particularly important in supplier-distributor relations. Mastering the regulatory framework applicable to logistics operations can prove to be a genuine source of opportunities for companies. The training is specifically tailored to enable the logistics department to identify the opportunities provided by the regulatory framework.
- Our offer : we run numerous training courses each year within companies, professional bodies and training organisations in a variety of formats ranging from one to several days of training, which in all cases include practical exercises, particularly on the following topics: general terms and conditions of sale, logistics agreements, the integration of sales negotiations and logistics negotiations, use of the regulatory framework to rebalance power, etc.
- Your advantage : you ensure that your logistics teams, in conjunction with the sales and legal teams, are familiar with the legal framework applicable to logistics negotiations for the benefit of the company and its logistics and sales strategy.
- Our conviction : the development of a company requires solid knowledge of the regulatory framework to which it is subject in order to identify its constraints as well as its opportunities. Training is a powerful tool to improve this knowledge of the regulatory framework and induce a competition compliant culture within companies.
- Our offer : we run numerous training courses within companies, professional bodies and training organisations in a variety of formats ranging from one to several days of training, which in all cases include practical exercises. Our training in competition law includes, but is not limited to, competition investigations, anti-competitive agreements, abuse of a dominant position and merger control.
- Your advantage : you ensure the implementation of an effective competition compliant culture within your company.
- Our conviction : we are convinced that training is one of the best ways to make operational teams aware of the constraints, as well as of the opportunities, offered by the regulations in force.
- Our offer : we provide training to raise awareness among the various teams of the importance of the legal and regulatory framework and the impact of the latest reforms. We offer training on subjects such as the negotiation and drafting of commercial contracts, the use of general terms and conditions of sale and the specific issues raised by logistics contracts.
- Your advantage : our training equips your teams with a practical perspective of the law and teaches them how to make optimal use of contracts within the company.
- Our conviction : we are convinced that training is one of the best ways to make operational teams aware of the constraints, as well as of the opportunities, offered by the law, provided they have mastered the specific issues at stake in an international context.
- Our offer : we offer training to raise awareness among the various teams of the importance of the legal and regulatory framework in extraterritorial contractual relations. We provide training on subjects such as the negotiation and drafting of international contracts and European competition rules.
- Your advantage : our training offers your teams a practical overview of French and foreign laws and how to apply them properly within the company.
- Our conviction : we believe that practical knowledge of the regulatory framework in consumer protection law can help to be avoid prosecution by the regulatory authorities.
- Our offer : we offer training and organise conferences for the sales, marketing and legal departments, particularly on the topic of sales promotions.
- Your advantage : all your key business lines can benefit from enhanced knowledge of the regulatory framework and the opportunities it offers.